today is my last paper and i finish my exam!!
wow! fantastic!
many people take their belongings come exam..
after exam can bak home lor~
hurray~ i finish my exam~
the last paper for me is my beloved
my exam hall, just 27 of us and almost 10 from other course are diploma student..
and the other, means the half student of the hall is resit and repeat student..
wow!! is too many people fail dis subject
the most important is dis paper only got 2 hours for 4 question
is not enough.. ><
the time start means ur hand cant stop til u finish 2 hour~
i feel dat i not do it very well, the time i want to wear my jacket also din have..
is so cool = =
my 1st semester is finish~
my exam is finish~
AND i should finish dat feeling..
study time for semester 1 is pass
exam is pass
and i cant do anything for it also because was pass~
which means i also cant do anything for dat~
the feeling should not have in my heart
forget it~ forget it~ and forget it~
i will try to forget it~
din see, din touch, din talk is feel okay
before the feeling is very strongly~
but today the feeling is not same~
not same like before..
but i need to try my best to let the feeling disapper..
let it desapper~