2013年4月14日 星期日


is time to go out to saloon lo~
first time coming
i like the treatment and the person who help me to wash hair
so soft and he so "se wen"
i like it~
enjoy our lunch after cutting and treatment
next station =>>>

pikom fair~
we coming~
the 1st step i step in the hall
i feel dat i gonna to catch a image for a person~
so fast tat i get the image and let my eyes have a treatment~
exam week til now dint see the image~
miss it~ n_n

dunno weather he still remember he saw me before anot?
but i think dat he wont remember~
coz im not leng luiiiii
no need to save the image in his mind~

blackberry new smartphone~
not bad~
have a nice camera~
his friend is introduce me about the phone~
before he saw me stand beside his place~
after dat he come close his friend~

see him like see my handsome~ WILLPAN <3 p="">

after i bak home and on my fb
i saw the boy who introduce me the smartphone at pikom fair was added me as friend~
i dunno the guy but y he can find me so fast?
is dat because of the image still remember me?
scared me~

i get to see the image is enough to me~
have a nice dating wit my dear~

