2013年5月12日 星期日

I care it so much

Wait almost 2 hour than they reach~
why always only me need to wait?
wait them out~
wait them go~
wait them reply~
wait here wait there~

Say is my birthday means no need let me wait~
not dat means?
but today~
although is my early birthday party
but i still is the waiting person~

Reach ther~
go in n take place~
than just waiting people coming~
see them using smartphone
touch touch touch and touch~

ask a question: can make it dun use hand phone today in front of me~
do u know wat answer i get?
answer: i'm not pou kia~

wat kind answer of dis?
wat means for dat?
not pou kia means cannot go clubbing?
i also not pou kia than wat it means?

i just wanna to say if dunwan celebrate actually can~
i din force u all to celebrate my birthday~
every year til now~
always get u all comment when my birthday reach~
sick.. no time.. no free.. busy.. no money..
now i get a new 1
i'm not pou kia..

if like dat than better dun celebrate
dun come out..
and dun do anything..

sometimes i really care!!
care u all Eccentric!!
i very care about it~
same the gang but y i get the different from them?
same are girl..
y i'm always the last one?

same is u guys fren
y u all cannot treat me better like them?
y always u all ignored me?
y? Y? y? y?
i very care about it!!!!!
care it and care it!!!!!!!!!!

